Friday, August 22, 2014

Reading in Leipzig

On September 6, I'll be at the Comicgarten Leipzig, selling & signing some comix at the JAZAM!/Mondo table. If all goes well, I should have some copies of the 2nd printing of "48 Stunden Angst" by then.

If the Comicgarten alone isn't a good enough reason for you to come to Leipzig, I will also participate in an awesome comic reading that night. I will be reading "Hipsters in Hell" (probably a bigger chunk of it than in Erlangen) and "C'est Angoulême, bitches!" - almost all of the artists from the latter will be there, each one reading their own part. All of them will also be reading some of their own comics.
I really enjoyed the reading I did in Erlangen and got a ton of positive feedback, so I'm looking forward to doing it again! Let me know if you have any ideas about where I could do more Hipsters readings.

Info about the when & where can be found on this cool Flyer by Hillerkiller: